segunda-feira, 28 de setembro de 2009

Lost in Thoughts.. Keep smiling.. enjoy each moment and see life always on the bright side.. even when it seems like it will all fall apart, there is always a reason and meaning..
Like I always say.. Don´t worry be HAPPY!

quarta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2009

Arcos Dinner Party

@ Churasqueira having a very nice meal.. actually it was really good and cheap... they even offered a bottle of whisky.. much appreciated by the boyz!
Happy Birthday to the 3 ladies.. yeah its shity being one year
aren´t they sooo excited!!!

Almost ready to go.. where.. Café o beijo A.K.A Marisqueira .. something like that..
a very small local coffee shop in AVV

Me and Julio..

That´s all fokes! till next time.. where, don´t know... hehehe