quarta-feira, 6 de novembro de 2013

Summer 2013

 Our little drummer...
 @ vó and vô´s house

 JJ´s Bday Party, undoing the deco w/ Titi Clara
 Festa Sra. Agonia Viana do Castelo

 @ the park in Viano do Castelo
 A little more Bday playing...

quarta-feira, 17 de julho de 2013

Our summer starts out like this...

 Playing on slides
 Going for rides
 @ the pool
 motorcycle fun...
and some time for fun rides... more to come while summer continues!

quinta-feira, 6 de junho de 2013

05-06-2013 R.I.P Heart Broken

Today is a very sad day, a little boy called Rodrigo which I met on FB passed away. I have been following his story for more than a year now and it is like I know him personally. He was fighting leukemia for the past 3 years and yesterday this disease took his life away. I can’t believe it, it is just not right. I was very hopeful that he would make it and that this cancer would go away. He was such a happy little boy, so full of life and energy and always playing around. How can this happen, it’s not fear.

I feel terrible, my heart cries and my thoughts are with Rodrigo and his family. I can’t imagine the pain it must be to loose a child at such a young age, all I can do is imagine it and just the though kills me inside.

To all the children in the world whose life is taken from them, my prayers are with them and I hope that where ever they are, in heaven or else where, that they are happy and at peace, children do not deserve to suffer, their innocence is genuine and life should be joyful always and us adults must be grateful for our children, it is a blessing.

Rest in Peace Rodrigo, you will be missed, an example of heroism and strength to all of us.

segunda-feira, 8 de abril de 2013

Noah & JJ playing - April 2013

 Me and my cus...
 Noah with a soccer ball...hmmm I think he likes soccer!
 A cousin hug!
 Me and my boys!!!
Ohhh isn´t he sooo cute... Noah 7 months

quarta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2013

Nini´s Bday 26-01-2013

 JJ & Valter
 My sweetie dancer...
Julio had lots of fun but by the end of the night he was exhausted, as you can see...lol
Nini´s Birthday party was a blast!(she the girl with the black straight hair)