segunda-feira, 30 de março de 2009

A calm weekend to clear my mind..

This weekend I had the opportunity to visit Valença do Minho, a very nice town, calm and relaxing.. with a spice of tradition as if we were back in the days when nights and kings ruled the world.. I must return.. Of course, Arcos my home town continues beautiful, the green enviroment takes us closer to nature.. breathing pure air and smelling that sense of spring definitly makes the stay much more relaxing.. these weekends feel really great after a long week in the city at work! Although the wind didn´t bring much confort all the rest was worth it..

When ever you get the chance to explore nature at it´s best visit Alto Minho, you won´t regret it!

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

Ola querida Hilda;
Tambem gostava muito de ter ido fazer essas ANDANÇAS, é tão linda a primavera enche-nos o coração com o desabrochar das flores e os verdes dos campos, ADORO, estou á espera da marcação do churrasco, para ir visitar os teus "Arcos".
beijinhos amiga e fica bem.

Marta Freitas
Ps. hoje resolvi passar para dar olhadela, e comentar os blogs das amigas, LOL.